Fontanile Vascapine

Il Fontanile Vascapine di Masano indica tutte le sorgive che si trovano nella parte orientale del territorio caravaggino.

Fontanile Vascapine


The spring waters east of Caravaggio, near Masano, are called Fontanile Vascapine.

Even though it is not designated as a nature reserve, it is a protected enclosed area with greenery and ponds and is the habitat of various indigenous species including eels, mallards, herons, and barn owls. The mute swans and some species of fish living there have been introduced by men instead.

Fontanile Vascapine is open to visitors and can be reached by bicycle or by walking only.

Location: via Caravaggio, Masano, not far from Fontanile Brancaleone. It is approximately 4.5 km (2.79 mi) from Vidalengo train station and 2 km (1.24 mi) from the A35 Brebemi exit for Bariano.
The nearest parking spaces are in via San Rocco.

For information please contact the Cultural Office (Ufficio Cultura) at or at +39 0363 356213.


Modalità d'accesso

Su un livello, presenza di prato erboso, accesso a piedi, parcheggio non presente. 



Via Caravaggio, 24043 Masano BG, Italia

Orario per il pubblico


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